Solutions profiles

Mosquito Alert
Year of Launch: 2020 | Country of Origin: Spain
Mosquito Alert is a citizen science project aimed at mapping and monitoring mosquito populations, mainly invasive species like the tiger mosquito, to better understand their distribution and dynamics. By engaging citizens to report mosquito sightings through an app, the initiative harnesses the power of community involvement to gather real-time data and contribute to public health strategies.

Year of Launch: 2018 | Country of Origin: Germany | United States
BirdNET is a mobile solution that aims at recognizing birds by sound at scale. It is also a citizen science platform as well as an analysis software for extremely large collections of audio. BirdNET aims to provide innovative tools for conservationists, biologists, and birders alike.

Year of Launch: 2009 | Country of Origin: France
Pl@ntNet is a tool, which helps to identify plants with pictures. It is organized in different thematic and geographical floras. The user can choose the one that corresponds to his/her region or area of interest from the available list. If the user does not know what to choose, he/she can select “World flora”, which has the widest coverage but will give less accurate results than a more focused flora. Then, the user needs to provide the solution with quality images.
Year of Launch: 2013 | Country of Origin: Portugal
This app gathers information about invasive species (from mainland Portugal and islands), by describing the species, comparing them with similar species, mentioning characteristics of their habitat. It also allows users, if they are close to one of these invasive species, to georeference them so that they are mapped.

Year of Launch: 2008 | Country of Origin: USA
iNaturalist help users to contribute with nature observations to a global online dataset, discover about nearby but also around the world nature observations, and learn about different species. It is a tool that records occurrences of species. Additionally it works as a crowdsourced species identification system. iNaturalist seeks to establish a worldwide network of naturalists to promote biodiversity research and conservation while fostering human connections with the natural world. Through the habit of watching wild creatures and exchanging information about them, the app is intended to assist users in understanding and maintaining biodiversity.

Life invasaqua
Year of Launch: 2018 | Country of Origin: Portugal
The app is developed by the Joint Research Centre, the in-house science service of the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable the general public, both amateurs and professionals, to receive and share information about invasive alien species (IAS) in Europe. IAS are plants, animals, or microorganisms that are introduced to a new environment and cause harm to the native biodiversity, human health, or economy. The app allows users to record and report sightings of IAS by using their phones’ GPS and cameras, and to send photos of the species or their habitats, which are then verified by experts. The solution aims to raise awareness and involvement of the public in the management of IAS, which is a serious and growing problem in Europe.

Vila GreenerAge
Year of Launch: 2021 | Country of Origin: EU
Vila GreenerAge platform is a playful and easily accessible platform on environmental and climate literacy for citizens 55+, being a self-reflective and positive tool on environmental and climate issues. As such it aims to empower citizens over 55 to adopt healthier behaviors for themselves and the planet, promoting more active citizenship, intergenerational cooperation, influencing family members, neighbors and friends to adopt more friendly habits and behaviors the environment, while improving digital skills. A an easy-to-understand Compendium on environmental literacy, the digital interactive learning platform has gamified elements, a high-quality trainer’s manual and policy recommendations, which are available free of charge for informal and non-formal learning.

Year of Launch: 2014 | Country of Origin: India
EARTH5R is an environmental literacy and action app, committed to sustainable development and education. Recognised by the United Nations and UNESCO, Earth5R connects the user with people who are equally passionate about sustainable development. From four-week internship programmes at various organisations to local initiatives the user can participate in, he/she can discover many ways to help the planet. There are also individual challenges to explore, such as collecting plastic waste in your area or researching brands that promote sustainable fashion.

Earth Hero
Year of Launch: 2017 | Country of Origin: USA
Earth Hero app provides scientifically grounded tools and ideas to empower all who want to reduce emissions, improve lives, and care the planet Earth.

European air Quality Index
Year of Launch: 2017 | Country of Origin: Europe
European air Quality Index gives information about air quality based on an index and several air pollutants, according to measures made in stations near by. It is possible to visualize stations in a map and access information on air quality based on six levels (Good, Fair, Moderate, Poor, Very Poor and Estremely poor). The Index consists of an interactive map that shows the local air quality situation at station level, based on five key pollutants that harm people’s health and the environment: particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), ground-level ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2).

Sciensano Dashboard
Country of Origin: Belgium
The Sciensano Dashboards give information and visualisation on the statisitcs of infectious diseases, incidence of tick bites and mortality in Belgium.

Year of Launch: 2016 | Country of Origin: Belgium
An online citizen-science platform that aims to collect and analyze data on the occurrence of tick bites on humans through space and time in Belgium.

Citizeen App
Year of Launch: 2024 | Country of Origin: Portugal
Citizeen App is the first comprehensive solution using Earth Observation data to diagnose, prescribe and monitor biodiversity and CO2 in the cities. It informs users about the state of green spaces in the city of interest. The Citizeen app was developed by Our Watch Leads LDA (OWL) and tested in the H2020 ‘Pharaon – Pilots for Active and Healthy Ageing’ project, allowing its users to share geo-referenced photographs of species and places of interest in the city, to map (using spatial technology) places according to their thermal and vegetation index, or to suggest improvements to the places they visit, so that citizens can make the most of the green and blue spaces near them. This initiative promoted the involvement of citizens with nature conservation in cities, stimulated physical and mental activity in older adults and provided information so that citizens can make the most of the green and blue spaces near them. Coimbra was the pilot city for implementing this innovative idea in which Cáritas Coimbra, MARE-UC and OWL challenged the city’s older people (aged 65+) to join the Pharaon project and test the Citizeen app.