
RESIST 1st Technical Workshop Highlights: Showcasing OneAquaHealth Project and AENEA Methodology

RESIST Project is funded by the Horizon Mission Clima strategic objective and serves EU’s strategy on climate change adaptation (CCA) calls for measures that are smart, swift, and more systemic. In line with these adaptation actions, it will increase resilience and accelerate the transformation of climate-vulnerable EU regions.

OneAquaHealth partner Enora Innovation is collaborating in RESIST with the Democritus University of Thrace – (D.U.Th.), and the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (EMT) Region, supported by the Regional Development Fund Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace, aiming to bolster climate resilience through participatory design and co-creation.

The first co-creation workshop for the EMT Region in RESIST was successfully conducted in Komotini, Greece, on March 14. It engaged stakeholders from various sectors and identified crucial needs and priorities of the EMT Region. The technical workshop emphasized the water ecosystems of the EMT Region.

Mr. George Koutalieris of ENORA Innovation introduced the OneAquaHealth Project and explained its alignment with RESIST’s goals of protecting freshwater ecosystems. The roles of participatory design and innovative software development principles, including the AENEA methodology implemented in OneAquaHealth, were presented and discussed with participating stakeholders. This workshop further highlighted the growing complementarity between OneAquaHealth and RESIST, underscoring the need to enhance the collaboration between the two projects.

Author(s): Iphigenia Kapsomenaki, ENORA